Simbad on the News

Most relevant SIMBAD media appearances.

Heraldo de Soria - Soria, Castilla y Leon (Spain)

Pablo Alejandro - 4 March 2025

Newspaper interview. The technology company Quasar employs a complex methodology for analyzing Earth observation images, which it uses to develop prototypes that estimate soil moisture and biomass.

MadBlue Round Table Discussion - DAYONE CAIXABANK, Madrid (Spain)

Dr. Ignacio de la Calle - 6 March 2024

The event aims to highlight the potential of Deep Tech startups in addressing the challenges of climate change, showcasing examples of outstanding entrepreneurs in Spain. Additionally, the role of public-private collaboration and investment in deep tech projects to drive these solutions will be explored.

How can satellite remote sensing techniques help to tackle the problem of climate change ?

ProEspacio Magazine - TEDAE

Quasar Science Resource, S.L. - 1 December 2023

Quasar Science Resources, S. L., has mapped for the Ministerio de Transición Ecológica y Reto Demográfico the marine ecosystem of Posidonia oceanica meadows along the Spanish Mediterranean coast (and Balearic Islands) using Sentinel-2 satellite images from 2021, combined with large data sets processing techniques and AI algorithms. In addition, a pilot study has been carried out for the assessment of the temporal evolution of the extension of these meadows between 2017 and 2021. 

Radio Intereconomia - Madrid (Spain)

Dr. Ignacio de la Calle - 4 October 2023

Radio interview where an introduction is given on mapping marine ecosystems using satellite remote sensing techniques and AI. How can we help protect marine ecosystems from space ?

MadBlue Summit

Dr. Ignacio de la Calle and Dr. Maria Ramírez - 25 April 2023

¿Cómo es un encuentro entre startups y fondos de inversión en MadBlue Impact Global Summit ? Algunos lo definen como una competición de esgrima, otros como una primera cita, pero convencer a una empresa para que invierta en tu proyecto en menos de tres minutos es, sin duda alguna, todo un arte.

Interview about the incubation of Quasar Science Resources by the ESA BIC and how the derivation of products from satellite remote sensing is becoming an strategic line for the company.

MadBlue Newsletter

Dr. Ignacio de la Calle - 8 March 2022

This week, we’re fortunate to introduce Ignacio de la Calle, Managing Director of Quasar Science Resources (Quasar). The platform being developed by Quasar is called SIMBAD, an acronym for Sentinel Imagery MultiBand Analysis and Dissemination. It is designed for the monitoring of terrestrial ecosystems from space to assist in their sustainable use, leveraging images from the Sentinel missions.

APTE Magazine

Dr. Ignacio de la Calle and Pablo Alejandro - 30 August 2021

Technology can help address the demands of “smart agriculture,” aiding in resource and waste management, increasing productivity, and consequently, the available income for rural populations, while also eliminating the need for transformation and destruction of natural spaces to achieve these productivity goals.

Quasar Science Resources and Wooboat have joined forces to provide interactive mapping of Posidonia Oceanica meadows, as well as coral reefs and other products aimed at establishing and ensuring the quality of coastal waters.

El Mundo - National Newspaper

Dr. Ignacio de la Calle - 27 February 2020

The significant achievements in space research represent technological advances that can be applied to solving problems affecting our daily lives and allow us to better understand the world around us. Currently, many of our scientists are working on the development of applications derived from space technology for their use in studying various phenomena closer to our daily lives.


Dr. Ignacio de la Calle - 01 December 2019

The Sentinel missions of the European Commission and the European Space Agency (ESA) are a European effort for the observation and monitoring of the Earth and its various habitats. In particular, understanding the distribution of marine habitats is necessary for sustainable use of coastal areas.

Innovaspain - Digital Newspaper

Dr. Ignacio de la Calle - 17 October 2019

The company Quasar has developed a tool that enables the mapping of the Oceanic Posidonia, an aquatic plant native to the Mediterranean. Protecting Earth’s ecosystems from space. That’s the goal with which Simbad is born, the scientific platform that, more specifically, will be responsible for monitoring the Oceanic Posidonia, an endemic aquatic plant of the Mediterranean Sea.

ComunidadISL - Digital Newspaper

Dr. Ignacio de la Calle - 15 October 2019

A system is developed to map Posidonia from space. The startup company Quasar Science Resources, selected in 2018 by the European Space Agency Business Incubation Centre (ESA BIC) program in the Community of Madrid, plans to present a prototype of the SIMBAD project on Monday, the 14th, which will display the first maps of Posidonia in the Balearic Islands.


Dr. Ignacio de la Calle - 15 October 2019

Monitoring Oceanic Posidonia is the objective of this platform developed by Quasar, a company incubated by the ESA BIC Community of Madrid program.

Noudiari - Digital Newspaper

Dr. Ignacio de la Calle - 15 October 2019

The SIMBAD project for monitoring Posidonia using satellite images from the Copernicus program will enable a Madrid-based company to map the growth and evolution of these underwater meadows and identify incidents affecting their extent.

Via Madrid - Digital Newspaper

Dr. Ignacio de la Calle - 13 October 2019

The SIMBAD project for monitoring Posidonia using satellite images from the Copernicus program will enable a Madrid-based company to map the growth and evolution of these underwater meadows, and identify incidents affecting their extent.

EFE Verde - Digital Newspaper

Dr. Ignacio de la Calle - 13 October 2019

The startup company Quasar Science Resources, selected in 2018 by the European Space Agency Business Incubation Centre (ESA BIC) program in the Community of Madrid, plans to present a prototype of the SIMBAD project on Monday, the 14th, which will display the first maps of Posidonia in the Balearic Islands.

La Vanguardia - National Newspaper

Dr. Ignacio de la Calle - 13 October 2019

The Simbad project for monitoring Posidonia using satellite images from the Copernicus program will allow a Madrid-based company to map the growth and evolution of these underwater meadows and identify incidents that affect their extent.

El Confidencial - National Newspaper

Dr. Ignacio de la Calle - 13 October 2019

The Simbad project for monitoring Posidonia using satellite images from the Copernicus program will allow a Madrid-based company to map the growth and evolution of these underwater meadows and identify incidents that affect their extent.

La Razon - National Newspaper

Dr. Ignacio de la Calle - 22 September 2019

A Madrid-based startup, will use dynamic maps generated from satellite images to monitor the evolution of this endanger ecosystem in the Balearic Islands.

Diario de Ibiza - Digital Newspaper

Dr. Ignacio de la Calle - 25 August 2019

The SIMBAD project for monitoring Posidonia using satellite images from the Copernicus program will enable a Madrid-based company to map the growth and evolution of these underwater meadows and identify incidents affecting their extent.

Comopeces - Digital Newspaper

Dr. Ignacio de la Calle - 21 August 2019

Quasar S. R. will present a map of the presence of the aquatic plant in the Balearic Islands, and within a two-year timeframe, they will expand it to cover the entire Mediterranean region.

Diario de Mallorca - Digital Newspaper

Dr. Ignacio de la Calle - 21 August 2019

Quasar will present a map of the presence of the aquatic plant, and within a two-year timeframe, they will expand it to cover the entire Mediterranean.

La Cope - National Radiostation

Dr. Ignacio de la Calle - 21 August 2019

Ignacio de la Calle is interviewed about the release of the prototype of Posidonia maps around the Balearic Islands derived using satellite remote sensing techniques.